සිංහල |  தமிழ் |  English

බ්ලොග් අඩවිය

සා/පෙළ දෙවන වර සියලු විෂයයන් සඳහා පෙනීසිටිය යුතුද?

Dear Sir/Madam
I am going to do second time G.C.E O/L do I have to do whole 9 subjects or can I do only selected subjects.

අදහස් දැක්වූවෝ

Dear, you can do the selected

Dear Student
You can do all 9 subjects or can do only selected subjects.

Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for helping me.

I did O/L this year (2017). I want to know how many passes I need to do A/Ls in Bio & if I don't get enough passes, can I do O/Ls again? Maths, Science etc.
Please let me know.
Thank you

Comment author woman

U can do whole 9 subjects or can do only selected subjects.

Comment author woman

You can do selected subjects

Comment author woman

You can do all 9 subjects or can do only selected subjects.

Comment author woman

U can select the subjects that u want to do

Comment author woman

No you cam select the subjects you want to do.

  • ඔබේ ප‍්‍රතිචාරය


ඡායාරූපයන් JPG, PNG ආකෘතියෙන් තිබිය යුතුය (උපරිම 3 MB)

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