ආයතනය: Action Valley Campus - We are known for our innovative programs, strong global partnerships, and commitment to excellence in education
ආයතනය: Innovatus Campus - Offers British Qualifications that are regulated by OFQUAL (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) in England
ආයතනය: Athena Academy - BSc (Hons) in Business Management, MPhil in Business Management
ආයතනය: Eurasian Campus - Samadhi International Buddhist Counseling Center, committed to provide quality education and life of international standard
පුරාවිද්යා පශ්චාත් උපාධි ආයතනය -The prime institution for postgraduate studies and research in archaeology and subjects related to archaeology
Metropolitan College, Sri Lanka, was incorporated in 1999, and is a reputed higher education institute.
ස්ථානයන්: කල්මුනේ, දෙහිවල
ආයතනය: Hybrid International Campus - We offer a broad range of courses in Business, Marketing, HRM, Accounting, Information Technology and Tourism
International Institute of Health Sciences - We are a healthcare training organization, born to bring innovation to healthcare training.
ස්ථානය: වැලිසර
ආයතනය: Global Stanford Campus - Our professional development programs are empowered developing people to undertake leadership, management, social responsibility
ආයතනය: American College of Higher Education - Start your Doctoral Research Journey
AIBT Campus - Offers a variety of accredited international Diploma and Bachelors / Masters / Doctoral degree programmes.
ස්ථානයන්: කොළඹ 04, මහනුවර, මාතර, හම්බන්තොට
Times Campus, the higher education wing of Vidura College Colombo, offers innovative solutions in learning to the discerning from Diploma to PhD.
ස්ථානයන්: අන්තර්ජාලය ඔස්සේ, නුගේගොඩ
ආයතනය: European City Campus - A contemporary educational establishment providing courses in practical training across various fields
ආයතනය: BIMT Campus - Established in order to offer the opportunities to acquire the right knowledge in the area of management and technology
ආයතනය: CLM Campus - An English medium professional academy