ආයතනය: MEETI - Sri Lanka - We have more than 41 Years of Experience on this field
Established in 2000, ESOFT has grown today to be the largest private sector higher education network in Sri Lanka with a branch network that covers the entire country.
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ වෘත්තීය පුහුණු අධිකාරිය - Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka (VTA) was established on 16th August 1995 under the provisions of the Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka.
ආයතනය: National Youth Services Council of Sri Lanka - Youth of Sri Lanka are also having an undertaking for economic and social upliftment of the country
ESOFT Metro Campus - Computing, Business, Hospitality, Travel and Tourism, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering
කාර්මික අධ්යාපන හා පුහුණු කිරීමේ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව - Department of Technical Education and Training - Pioneer Organization in Providing Technical Education and Training in Sri Lanka
ශ්රී ලංකා උසස් තාක්ෂණ අධ්යාපන ආයතනය - One of the leading educational institutions in Sri Lanka for higher education
A pioneering higher education institute in Sri Lanka, rooted services in 1981 offering nationally accredited, internationally recognized opportunities.
ස්ථානයන්: අඩ්ඩාලච්චේන, කල්මුනේ, කොළඹ 04, කොළඹ