ටොප් ඇඩ්
Sanath Withanage (පුරුෂ) - Master's in Business Analytics - UK, B.Sc. Accounting (Special) Degree - USJP, CA Finalist, Investment Analyst
ටොප් ඇඩ්
Sathini Pathirana (ස්ත්රී) - Graduated from the University of Colombo in 2014, Specialized in international business (Bachelor of business administration)
About Resource Person: Lecturer at reputed University in Sri Lanka, MBA (SL), BA (Hons)-UK, CIMA (UK), ACPM (SL), CPM (SL), AAT (SL), ACCA (UK)
Sandeepa Induwara (පුරුෂ) - BSc Mgt.Sp (Undergraduate) University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Dinu (ස්ත්රී) - Over 10 years experience, Completed Masters degree, BBA [Accounting special], CIMA