Sandani Kulathunga (ස්ත්රී) - Practical and Theory will be covered according to the local syllabus
Piyumi Ranasinghe (ස්ත්රී) - Diploma in Dancing
Acadia - English, Maths, Scholarship Exam Classes, Commerce, ICT, Science, English, History, Dancing, Sinhala, Tamil, Music
සැසිප්වින් උසස් අධ්යාපන ආයතනය - දූ දරුවන්ගේ සොඳුරුතම සිප්මංසල
Panhinda Education Institute - Scholarship Exam, Grade 6-11 Maths, Science, Sinhala, Tamil, English, Dancing, Commerce
Raveena Dinakshi (ස්ත්රී) - A School Teacher, B.A. University of Sri Jayewardenapura (UG), Teacher Training Diploma SDTI Campus
Traditional Performers SL (පුරුෂ) - Classes conducted by a Graduate and Experienced Teacher
Shridevi Kalaipalli (ස්ත්රී) - Passed Teachers Grade Bharathakalavithagar, B.F.A in Bharathanatyam (Kalaikaveri College of fine arts, India)
ආයතනය: Nilupul Thennakoon Academy - නියත A සමාර්ථයක් හඹා යන්න අප හා එක් වන්න
ආයතනය: Nayanathara Dance Academy - Hip hop, Western, Indian, Contemporary, School syllabus
ආයතනය: Angels Dancing Academy - Dancing and Aerobics classes
ඉමේෂා නෘත්ය කලායතනය - Conducted by Ruwanthi Ranasinghe [B.P.A. (Special) Honours Degree Holder, Nruthya Visharadha (First Division)]