ආයතනය: Rightray Institute of Higher Education - Tuition Classes
Ganazara Institute - Mathematics, Science, Commerce, Sinhala, Art, English, Combined Maths / Physics, Music, History, Dancing
ආයතනය: Nanira Education Institute - Sinhala and English medium classes
ආයතනය: Thilini Dance Academy - National School Teacher Conducts the lessons
Danuri Sewmini (ස්ත්රී) - BA (Hons) University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Teacher at Horizon College International
ආයතනය: Sethranga Dance Troupe - Classes conducted by Dinusha Sewwandi [B.A. Kalaniya, Dip]
Kaushi Keshala (ස්ත්රී) - BPA (Honours) - Dance and Drama (UVPA)
ELC උසස් අධ්යාපන ආයතනය - English, Commerce, History, Maths, ICT, Science and Dancing Classes
Ishani Saranga (ස්ත්රී) - B.A. (Undergraduate) University of Sri Jayawardhanapura, Diploma in Dancing [Lyceum International School]
ආයතනය: Ti Ratana - A charitable and non-profit organization established under the guidance of Ven K Dhammaratana Thero
Classes conducted by Asha Perera : Government School Teacher, BA (Kelaniya), MA (Kelaniya), Award winning Drama Director and Actress, Consultant Drama Therapist
විදුර උසස් අධ්යාපන ආයතනය - දැන් සියලු විෂයන් එකම තැනකින්