Shehan Morawaka (පුරුෂ) - BSc. (Hons.) in Computer Science (University College Dublin - Ireland)
Virani Ekanayake (ස්ත්රී) - BCS (PGD-HEQ), HNDIT (SLIATE), HDIT, DIT (UCSC), Over 12 years of experience in leading International schools
Sydney Jayawardene (පුරුෂ) - B.Sc (Peradeniya), PGDip (IT) - Colombo, MA (University of Sussex, UK), Marking Examiner
Achintha Pradeep (පුරුෂ) - BSc (Hons), MSc (IT) - University of Colombo, 24 years experienced school teacher
Ms. Sushmy Krishan (ස්ත්රී) - Teacher at One of Leading International School Negombo, BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering (United Kingdom)
A teacher with 5 Years of Teaching Experience conducts the lessons
ආයතනය: Shine Institute - Learn at convenience from your private space with personalized or group classes
Ms. Fathima (ස්ත්රී) - AAT, MIT, Diploma in Government Teacher Training (NVQ Level 2), Former English Teacher at Al Sharia International School
Deepal Nanayakkara (පුරුෂ) - නවීන පරිගණක විද්යාගාර සහිත රජයේ ලියාපදිංචි අධ්යාපන ආයතනයකි
Kamani Dharmawickrama (ස්ත්රී) - A teacher who is graduated in Information Technology and has more than 20 years of teaching experience
සුදුසුකම්ලත් ගුරුවරයකි
Kavindi Kulathunga (ස්ත්රී) - BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Software Engineering from the University of Wolverhampton
An experienced Lecturer Engineer conducts the lessons
Sandun Weerasuriya (පුරුෂ) - B.A, BIT, ICT Teacher at Royal College Colombo 7
Sanjeewa Kap (පුරුෂ) - 8 years of teaching experience, BSc, MSc, MIT