FAT.lk - The most prominent website dedicated to Sri Lankan Education sector
Advertising on FAT.lk is always FREE.
We also offer banner advertising options at a nominal rate for individuals and businesses to advertise their products and services to FAT.lk community - Teachers, Parents, Students and educationalist.
We offer various options to promote your advertisements.
Randomly selected advertisements are shown on top of the home page, on top of several internal pages and displayed on top of the relevant search result pages.
Other 3rd party advertisements are not displayed on 3 Star Ad / Top Ad pages.
Follow below steps to convert your advertisement to a "3 Star Ad / Top Ad"
STEP 2 : Select your advertisement from "My Ads" section.
STEP 3 : Click on Convert to a "3 Star Ad / Top Ad" button. Please note the following banner specifications.
* Banner Format : JPG or PNG
* 3 Star / Top Ad Banner Dimensions : Width 600 pix and Height 600 pix
Please check the following video for more information.
Leaderboard Shared Banner [Location: Web page Top] + Free 3 Star Ad / Top Ad This banner location is shared with 3 banners. Each web page refresh loads a randomly selected banner from a pool of 3 banners
STEP 3 : Make the payment and email us your banner.
Please provide two banners with the following specifications.
* Banner Format : JPG or PNG
* Banner 1 dimensions: Width 1200 pix and Height 150 pix * Banner 2 dimensions: Width 600 pix and Height 600 pix
Please check the following video for more information.
Leaderboard Shared Banner [Location: Web page Bottom] + Free 3 Star Ad / Top Ad This banner location is shared with 3 banners. Each web page refresh loads a randomly selected banner from a pool of 3 banners
STEP 3 : Make the payment and email us your banner.
Please provide two banners with the following specifications.
* Banner Format : JPG or PNG
* Banner 1 dimensions: Width 1200 pix and Height 150 pix * Banner 2 dimensions: Width 600 pix and Height 600 pix
Please check the following video for more information.
Square Shared Banner [Location: Search Options Tab] + Free 3 Star Ad / Top Ad This banner location is shared with 3 banners. Each web page refresh loads a randomly selected banner from a pool of 3 banners
STEP 3 : Make the payment and email us your banner.
Please note the following banner specifications.
* Banner Format : JPG or PNG
* "Square" Banner Dimensions : Width 600 pix and Height 600 pix