ආයතනය: Munash Academy - We offer London OL & AL Individual and Group Classes
H.K. Karunarathna (ස්ත්රී) - BSc (Hons) Computing degree, 22 years Computer Science Teacher - Leading International School, Colombo
Buddhika Marasinghe (ස්ත්රී) - BSc in Information Technology. National Computing Center (NCC) - University of Greenwich.UK. Diploma in Graphic Designing
Asanka Goonetilleke (ස්ත්රී) - Computer Science teacher at a leading international school in Colombo
Dilini Pererra (ස්ත්රී) - රසායන විද්යා උපාධි අපේක්ෂකයෙක්, CAD කෙටුම්පත්කරුවෙකු සහ පූර්ණ කාලීන උපදේශකයෙක්
ආයතනය: Saga Campus - Qualified and experienced teachers conduct the lessons
Nirmani Palliyaguruge (ස්ත්රී) - BSc Special, Masters IT [University of Kelaniya], School Teacher of a Leading International School
ආයතනය: Institute of future Minds, Wattala - International Exam and study centre for Edexcel & Cambridge students
Platinum Business Academy - A registered tuition provider for London O/L and A/L classes for Cambridge and Edexcel stream.
ස්ථානයන්: නුගේගොඩ, වත්තල
Lakshika Ruwanmali (ස්ත්රී) - Diploma in NCC, ICDL, An experienced international school teacher
Tharindu ParakHrama (Para) (පුරුෂ) - Lecturer and Coordinator in ICT Department, IDM Campus - Colombo
ICT Teacher (ස්ත්රී) - Post Graduate Diploma in Education [University of Colombo], BSc in Teaching Technology [University of Manipal]
Indika Bopearachchige (පුරුෂ) - BSc (Eng), PGDE (ICT)
Harsha (පුරුෂ) - An experienced teacher