ආයතනය: Eurasian Campus - Samadhi International Buddhist Counseling Center, committed to provide quality education and life of international standard
Olives Academy (පුරුෂ) - BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting & Finance - Spain, CIMA (UK), MBA in Corporate Finance - University of Wales
ආයතනය: Global Stanford Campus - Our professional development programs are empowered developing people to undertake leadership, management, social responsibility
IBA Campus has been operating since 2002 with study centers in මහනුවර, කුරුණෑගල, කළුතර, ගාල්ල, බදුල්ල, මහරගම, රත්නපුර, කිරිබත්ගොඩ
ආයතනය: NSBM Green University - This state-of-the-art university offers nationally and internationally recognized, UGC approved degree programmes
ආයතනය: Grand Royal Education - Program is meticulously overseen and guided by the faculty and directives of Riga Technical University
ආයතනය: GISM Campus - A leading higher education institute to offer world-class job oriented Degree pathway programmes in various disciplines
Amazon College is dedicated to take the nation towards new possibilities with the latest, timely and cost effective education which brings to you globally accredited certificates
University of Technology Sydney - Sri Lanka - UTS College programs are offered in 8 countries around the world.
ස්ථානය: කොළඹ 3
ESOFT Metro Campus - Computing, Business, Hospitality, Travel and Tourism, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering
Noel (පුරුෂ) - CIMA(UK) qualified with a Masters degree with experience in industry as well as over 20 years in coaching students
Ashan (පුරුෂ) - Bachelors in Business Administration Special [University of Sri Jayewardenepura], Reading for Masters in Economics at University of Colombo