Janidu Lankage (Male) - BSc (Hons) Software Engineering, 6+ years of tutoring experience
Classes conducted by 16+ years of experienced teacher
Raahul Rohith (Male) - A first-class graduate in Computer Science from the Informatics Institute of Technology
Rushika (Female) - BSc Software Engineering undergraduate
Lahiru Neththasinghe (Male) - BSc in Information Technology (SLIIT), MSc in Information Technology [University of Moratuwa]
Nirmani Dela Bandara (Female) - BSc Special (Honours) in Information Technology Specialised in Software Engineering, MSc in Computer Science
Dumindika Rajapakse (Female) - Bsc (hons) in Information Technology and Management (Uni. of Moratuwa), Reading for Post Graduate Diploma in Education (OUSL)
Muhammed Nuzli (Male) - Software Architect and Senior Lecturer for Computer Science and Engineering Information Technology
Sage Institute - Classes conducted by well experienced graduate teachers
Royal Institute Smart Academy - A Cambridge-certified Online School that offers Cambridge O/L & A/L courses to young learners
Munash Academy - We offer London OL & AL Individual and Group Classes
A lady teacher conducts lessons - BIT [University of Colombo], Teaching at a leading international school in Colombo
Rishu Wijerathne (Female) - National school teacher with over 6 years of teaching experience
Classes conducted by a University of London graduate in Finance, Cambridge High achiever in Commerce stream
STEMpire Education Academy - Unlock Your Academic Potential