U. Wijayasiri (ස්ත්රී) - Master Degree, Teaching French as a Foreign Language [University of Montpellier III, France], BA (Hons.) [University of Kelaniya]
Pahandi Ruhansa (ස්ත්රී) - JLPT N5 and N4 Qualified, A/L Japanese Language Passed
Aneesha Uvais (ස්ත්රී) - Online and Physical Classes
Dilanthi (ස්ත්රී) - B.A. (Honors) in French, DALF C2 certified, B.A.-Teaching French as a foreign language-france
Aruna Wijayawardana (පුරුෂ) - German Language from Goethe Institute Colombo B Sc (Hons) from University of Wolverhampton, UK
ඉනේෂ් කැටිපේආරච්චි (පුරුෂ) - සිංහල ගෞරව ශාස්ත්රවේදී (2008)
Yashodya (ස්ත්රී) - Bachelor's Degree in Colombo University, Diploma Holder of English and French languages
Waruni Rajamuni (ස්ත්රී) - Japanese Language trained teacher at Urawa, Japan. Completed degree level in Kelaniya university
A professional and qualified teacher conducts French / English classes
Sudesh Rupasinghe (පුරුෂ) - Diploma in Sun Chon Hwan University
Eranthi Liyanage (ස්ත්රී) - B.A. in Teaching Chinese [Chongqing Normal University, China], HSK 6 & HSKK Advanced Level, Visiting Lecturer at a University
Shyamali De Costa (ස්ත්රී) - More than 18 years experience in Government schools.
ස්ථානයන්: අන්තර්ජාලය ඔස්සේ පවත්වන පන්ති, කොළඹ, ගාල්ල, පිළියන්දල, බත්තරමුල්ල, බොරලැස්ගමුව, මහරගම
Sachini Munasinghe (ස්ත්රී) - International School Teacher, French B2 level in Alliance Français de Kotte, Undergraduate - Bachelor of Education
L.S. Bandara (ස්ත්රී) - Undergraduate, Teacher in a private school
ආයතනය: First Steps Language School - Our mission is to develop the foundation of English & French languages of young learners