Anoma kalubowila Dancing Academy - Bachelor of Performing Arts (UVPA)
Vibhawya Institute - English Medium & Sinhala Medium
Angels Dancing Academy - Dancing and Aerobics classes
Priyadarshani Miss (Female) - National School Teacher, BA (Sp) University of Colombo, Diploma in English (ICBT Campus)
Imesha Dance Academy - Conducted by Ruwanthi Ranasinghe [B.P.A. (Special) Honours Degree Holder, Nruthya Visharadha (First Division)]
Lakshani WIckramasekara (Female) - Dancing classes for kids
Sipsala Institute - Grade 1 to A/L Classes
Senali Dancing Academy - Classes conducted by Disna Senali [BPA (Hos) University of Visual and Performing Arts, Colombo]
Nayanathara Dance Academy - Hip hop, Western, Indian, Contemporary, School syllabus
Manahari Dance Academy - Classes conducted by Chamila Priyadarshani - BPA (Special) UVPA
Traditional Performers SL (Male) - Classes conducted by a Graduate and Experienced Teacher
Nuwanya Thaksalawa - Starting new classes with the best qualified teachers in the area
Thamara Nilmini (Female) - A graduate teacher conducts the lessons
Royal Institute - Classes for O/L and A/L Students
West London College of Education - Established since 2008, School of English and Performing Arts and Higher Education