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English Medium Science, Geography & Health From Grade 6-11 [ Government and Cambridge syllabi ]

Contact details
Tutor :
Priyani Maldeniya (Female)
  •  Ordinary Level
  •  Diploma
  •  Bachelor's degree
  •  Post Graduate Diploma in Education
  •  Teaching Experience : Over 20 years
Phone :
0​7​1​ ​7​6​0​ ​8​1​9​7​ ​|​ ​0​7​0​ ​5​3​3​ ​5​6​1​7
WhatsApp :
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QR Code :
QRCode English Medium Science, Geography & Health From Grade 6-11 [ Government and Cambridge syllabi ] en
Reviews / Testimonials :
About the tutor
  • BSc ( University of Peradeniya )
  • PGDe ( University of Peradeniya )
  • Dip in Education
  • English Medium Teaching Experience : 20 years
  • Teaching Experience : 23 years
  • English Medium Paper Marking Experience
Subjects and Courses
English Medium,
- Science ( Both Government and Cambridge Syllabi )
- Geography
- Health

via Online From Grade 6-11
Venue / Location

Teacher visits institute(s) in following locations

Colombo District, Sri Lanka

Kegalle District, Sri Lanka

Ratnapura District, Sri Lanka

Online Classes
Classes are conducted online (Or educational material available online). You can join the class (or read educational material) from anywhere in the world.
Offered Classes
  • Private (Individual) classes
  • Small group classes (Less than 10 people)
  • Medium group classes (10 - 20 people)
  • Large group classes (More than 20 people)
Classes are conducted in following languages
  • English
Reviews / Testimonials
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