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G.C.E Advanced Level Physics

Contact details
Tutor :
Praveen Rathnayake (Male)
  •  Ordinary Level
  •  Advanced Level
  •  Bachelor's degree
  •  Teaching Experience : Over 3 years
Phone :
+​9​4​ ​7​2​8​1​2​5​4​9​4
WhatsApp :
E-mail :
QR Code :
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About the teacher
Mechanical Design Engineer (Feb, 2022–Present) at Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology Mainly focus on Mechanical calculations, designing and prototype fabricating

BSc.(Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Jan, 2016–Jan, 2020) from General Sir John Kotalawela Defence University, Ratmalana
Subjects and Courses
Hey students, If you need any help to your assignments, questions or any other educational things, Please contact me directly. I will help you as much as you want. I am very interesting in solving problems related to Physics. I will send any answer to your problems without plagiarism. All the problems solved by my own hand.
Venue / Location

Teacher would visit students' homes in following locations

Colombo District, Sri Lanka

Online Classes
Classes are conducted online (Or educational material available online). You can join the class (or read educational material) from anywhere in the world.
Offered Classes
  • Private (Individual) classes
  • Small group classes (Less than 10 people)
Classes are conducted in following languages
  • සිංහල
Reviews / Testimonials
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