E-Tec Campus caters to the needs of students who are career oriented in the fields of Management, IT, Teaching of English, Teaching & Construction studies.
Summerset Campus - With the modern facilities offered, Summerset is the place to study in the 21st century
Somasundaram Hemanand (Male) - Government Teacher [15 Years Experience], University Lecturer [2 Years Experience], ATI HNDA HNDIT [15 Years Experience].
Knowledge Universe is an organization founded in 1998 for continuous learning and professional skills development in Sri Lanka
Indeepa College of Technology - Intech Campus - We understand how to guide our students to secure new and evolving job opportunities in the industry
Established in 2000, ESOFT has grown today to be the largest private sector higher education network in Sri Lanka with island-wide branch network.
We will be providing education and facilities for O/L and A/L completed students to seek Diploma, Undergraduate, Postgraduate qualifications
Established in 2006, Institute offers a range of courses from Certification to Diplomas and Degrees, PG Qualifications and Masters.
Location: Colombo 4
Saegis Campus - A vibrant, state of the art campus, acclaimed for excellence with industrialists passionately seeking Saegis graduates.
Location: Nugegoda
Nova Academy of Business and Technology - An education institute aimed at providing the essential skills needed for you to succeed in your chosen career.
Sun British Business Management College is a leading educational institution in Language & IT fields
British Campus - Our parent company, British Way English Academy was established in 2004 to satisfy the need for English knowledge
Institute: Virtual Business School - Our aim is to make VBS as the best place for extra classes in Gampola.
ESOFT Metro Campus - Looking for a career in IT after A/L's
A Ganeshananthan (Male) - MBA(IT), MBCS, MACS, PCP. [Experiences as Analyst Programmer, IT Manager, Lecturer]