Sanath Withanage (Male) - Master's in Business Analytics - UK, B.Sc. Accounting (Special) Degree - USJP, CA Finalist, Investment Analyst
Sathini Pathirana (Female) - Graduated from the University of Colombo in 2014, Specialized in international business (Bachelor of business administration)
Dilshan Hameed (Male) - MBA - (UK)
Vimukthi Udapamunuwa (Male) - BSc (University of Moratuwa)
Classes conducted by highly qualified and experienced teachers
Udara Weerakkodi (Male) - BBA Business Administration (Sp) University of Colombo, Reading for Corporate Level in CASL, Reading for DABF in IBSL, MAAT
Assist Business Academy - Contact for more details on voice or WhatsApp
Christopher Tharaka (Male) - Working as the Chief Executive Trainer of the Assist Business Academy (ABA)
Conducted by an academically and professionally qualified teacher
Romesh Thenabadu (Male) - MBA [University of Colombo], BSc Business Administration [University of Sri Jayewardenepura], Member of the CIMA (UK)
Scientas Institute - Provides a comprehensive coverage of the relevant subject and thereby enables students to perform optimally at the examination
Supun Rasanjana (Male) - 3rd Year Undergraduate [University of Sri Jayawardenepura], CA Sri Lanka Business Level, BCS (HEQ) Diploma Level
Anuruddha Rathnayake (Male) - Bsc Sp Bachelors Degree in Marketing Management, PGD in Accounting & Finance, Masters in Business Management
Senani Senevirathne (Female) - Bsc Management Special (USJ), M.SLIM / MAAT, Over 15 Years of Experience