Raveena Dinakshi (Female) - A School Teacher, B.A. University of Sri Jayewardenapura (UG), Teacher Training Diploma SDTI Campus
Imesha Dance Academy - Conducted by Ruwanthi Ranasinghe [B.P.A. (Special) Honours Degree Holder, Nruthya Visharadha (First Division)]
Traditional Performers SL (Male) - Classes conducted by a Graduate and Experienced Teacher
Angels Dancing Academy - Dancing and Aerobics classes
Nayanathara Dance Academy - Hip hop, Western, Indian, Contemporary, School syllabus
West London College of Education - Established since 2008, School of English and Performing Arts and Higher Education
St. Jude's Academy - Science, Commerce, Maths, Sinhala, English, Dancing, Tamil, Art
Saranga Subha - Directed by - Methsadi Dulhari (Diploma in University of The Visual and Performing Art)
Pradeepika Gunawardana (Female) - B.A. University of Kelaniya, A school teacher