Intellect International - A Globally Accredited Higher Education Solutions Provider
Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka (VTA) was established on 16th August 1995 under the provisions of the Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka.
Iconic Destinations - We conduct higher education services & courses
The premier Open and Distance learning institution in Sri Lanka where students can pursue their studies through Open and Distance Learning methodologies.
ESOFT Metro Campus - Computing, Business, Hospitality, Travel and Tourism, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Institute: First Friends Campus - We offer international recognized qualifications from Diploma to Degree.
Location: Katugastota
ESOFT Metro Campus - Transform yourself into a true business leader with a UGC recognized British MBA
Department of Technical Education and Training - Pioneer Organization in Providing Technical Education and Training in Sri Lanka
SDTI Campus - A professional academic institution of Sri Lanka which directly supports the youths of Sri Lanka and the Asian region youths
Esoft Metro Campus - Partnered with Pearson UK, offers their Level 5 HND Programmes
Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) - One of the leading educational institutions in Sri Lanka for higher education
Louis Preston Career Development Centre was conducting short preparatory courses for airline flight attendants
American College of Higher Education was established in 1995