Global Stanford Campus - Our professional development programs are empowered developing people to undertake leadership, management, social responsibility
IBA Campus has been operating since 2002 with study centers in Kandy, Kurunegala, Kalutara, Galle, Badulla, Maharagama, Ratnapura, Kiribathgoda
Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka (VTA) was established on 16th August 1995 under the provisions of the Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka.
Established in 2000, ESOFT has grown today to be the largest private sector higher education network in Sri Lanka with island-wide branch network.
Department of Technical Education and Training - Pioneer Organization in Providing Technical Education and Training in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) - One of the leading educational institutions in Sri Lanka for higher education
One of the leading institutes conducting Higher National Diplomas