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Advanced Level Examination (A/L) - Agri Science and BST

Lahiru Hewawitharana (Male) - BSc (Agriculture) Ruhuna, PGDE, SLTS II

(Online and Physical classes are conducted)
Advanced Level Examination (A/L) - Agri Science and BST
2024/25/26 AGRI & BST

Menaka Weerasuriya (Male) - BSc. Agri (Sp) | Specialized in crop science | Faculty of Agriculture | University of Ruhuna

(Online and Physical classes are conducted)
2024/25/26 AGRI & BST
Senik Higher Education Institute - Morawaka

Senik Higher Education Institute - Classes conducted by qualified and experienced tutors

(Physical classes are conducted)
Senik Higher Education Institute - Morawaka

 Edexcel and Cambridge Chemistry 

online chemistry
online chemistry