ආයතනය: Educare International Institute For Higher Education - We offer you a powerful new way to learn online
ආයතනය: Millennium College of Aviation Studies offers a wide range of Aviation programmes
ආයතනය: London Boulevard Business College - A contemporary campus with an outstanding educational background
ආයතනය: Win-Stone School of Culinary Art - We offer comprehensive courses in various disciplines and are linked with both international and national institutes.
ආයතනය: Natrium Institute of Science and Technology - Offers Diplomas, HND, Pre-University foundation programs, Undergraduate programs and Masters level programs
Metropolitan College, Sri Lanka, was incorporated in 1999, and is a reputed higher education institute.
ස්ථානයන්: කල්මුනේ, දෙහිවල
ආයතනය: Harward College Colombo - An innovative Sri Lankan college that offers official undergraduate and graduate university courses
ආයතනය: SDTI Campus - A professional academic institution of Sri Lanka which directly supports the youths of Sri Lanka and the Asian region youths
ආයතනය: Sri Lanka Foundation Institute - SLFI is the National centre for Education, Leadership and Training